
Creating a Map field

You can create a Map field in the same way you would create any other field in Craft. Simple go to "Settings" -> "Fields" and click the "New Field" button. Fill out the fields required and select "Map" from the "Field Type" select.

You can now configure the initial state of the map and how it appears to the user. Use the Map to select the initial location of the map and the fields below the map to customize the layout and any restrictions.

Displaying the Map

When accessing the Map field in twig you will have access to the following properties:

  • lat The latitude of the selected maps location
  • lng The longitude of the selected maps location
  • zoom The zoom level of the map
  • address The full address (see Address)
  • parts The separate parts of the address (see Parts)
  • distance The distance the location is from your search (only populated when Searching)


The address comes in two flavours. The first is as a string, and will output the Full Address as it appears in the Map field.

{{ myMapField.address }}

The second is as a function, address([exclude = [] [, glue = '<br/>']]), which will allow you to output the address in a more formatted way. Both arguments are optional.

  • exclude expects an array of Parts that you don't want to appear when outputting the address. Defaults to [].
  • glue is the string that joins the parts together. _Defaults to '<br/>'.
{{ myMapField.address(['country'], ', ') }}

The example above is outputting the address as a comma-separated string, excluding the country.


The parts contains the, well, parts that make up the address.

  • number The name or number of the location
  • address The street address of the location (not the full address)
  • city The city in which the location is situated
  • postcode The postal or zip code of the location
  • county The county of the location
  • state The state or region of the location
  • country The locations country


  • planet The planet of the location
  • system The system containing the planet of the location
  • arm The galactic arm of the location
  • galaxy The galaxy the arm is attached to
  • group The group the locations galaxy belongs to
  • cluster The galaxy cluster containing the group
  • supercluster The supercluster the galaxy belongs to
{{ }}

You can also access the parts directly from the map with the exception of the address part, which can be accessed via streetAddress.

{{ myMapField.streetAddress }}
{{ }}


When querying elements you can filter them by proximity to a given location. To do so, simply pass an address and radius to the Map field in the element query.

  • location An address string, map field, or { lat: 0, lng: 0 } object to search by.
  • country An optional country to restrict the address string to.
  • radius The radius around the location to get results from. Defaults to 50.
  • unit The distance unit to use. Can be either mi or km. Defaults to km.
{% set entries = craft.entries.myMapField({
    location: 'Maidstone, Kent',
    country: 'UK',
    radius: 100,
    unit: 'mi',
}).all() %}

If you search using this method you will have access to the distance property in the resulting elements Map fields. This will return the distance that location is from the location searched for, in the unit specified when searching.

You can also sort by distance when searching for an address.

{% set entries = craft.entries.myMapField({
    location: { lat: 51.272154, lng: 0.514951 },
}).orderBy('distance').all() %}
{% set entries = craft.entries.myMapField({
    location: myOtherMapField,
}).orderBy('distance desc').all() %}