
Write your docs in markdown and place them inside your docs folder in the root of your git repos master branch. The folder structure will mirror the route structure in the rendered docs.


You can specify the navigation of your docs by creating a .docs.json file in the root of your docs/ directory and adding the following:

  "nav": {
    "index": "Docski",
    "getting-started": {
      "_label": "Getting Started",
      "config": "Configuration"

The nav object contains keys matching the path to the file or folder, and values for the user facing title if it's a path, or the files inside if it's a folder. The _label key allows you to set the label of the folder.


You can include front-matter at the top of your markdown files. It should be valid YAML and contained within 3 dash blocks:

title: Hello world!
layout: post
colour: hotpink

There are two values that are used internally, but are both optional:

  • title The title of the document (will default to the name of the file in Title Case)
  • layout The path to the twig file in your templates folder (without the .twig extension).

All other attribute are custom and can be whatever you want. You can access all front-matter via the data variable in your templates.